The Complete Idiots Guide to Making Millions on the Internet

Reviewed by: Jonathan Powell (
Level: Beginner. Objective: Reference Date Published: April 2000
Number of Pages: 350 Type: Book Availability: In stock


Underhill, R

Who wants to be a millionaire?

A) Everybody
B) Somebody
C) The answer to this question is A
D) Nobody

If you need to go 50:50, ask the audience, or phone a friend on this one then "The Complete Idiots Guide to Making Millions on the Internet" (TCIGTMMOTI)is for you. Or is it?

They Say .........
Everything you need to know to make millions on the Internet. Practical, real-world advice on the different companies and positions available. Tricks and tips to help you work faster and smarter. Project-orientated tutelage to build confidence in your employment and entrepreneurial possibilities. Easy-to-follow instructions for those new to working for or creating a start-up Internet company.

Metcom says ........
Read the introduction/disclaimer inside the front cover and you will learn the amazing revelation that not all Internet companies will guarantee that you make millions.

You might find this slightly disappointing if your already plotting your rise to financial power, but hey, wait, come back. TCIGTMMOTI is an all round entertaining read. Okay, its not exactly Shakespeare but it does give you sound business advice. One problem I noticed is that all the business techno-mumble is American so this means that about two thirds of the book doesn't apply to us Brits.

So if you are planning to start an internet company then this book gives you some light-hearted but useful advice on topics such as domain-names, Logos, venture capital and other assorted business stuff.

As a business studies student I found some of the info very useful.

METCOM Rating: 69%

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